1 in 5 HUMANS SUFFERING FROM HomelessNESS are between the
ages of 13 and 24...
Let that Sink in...
One in Five.
Human beings that are only children.
Most of us didn't have to deal with that when we were young.
When we were that age, all we cared about was...
How cool we looked to our friends.
Or (trying to) talk to that one crush from gym class.
Most of us had family and loved ones who deeply cared for us.
We didn't have to worry about where our next meal would come from.
We didn't have to choose between sleeping under a bridge or on a strangers couch that night.
And yet, that's a painful choice that thousands of children and teens have to face every day in Toronto...
As people who call Toronto home, we all come from diverse backgrounds.
We all have different opinions and beliefs about things (that's what makes us so great!)
But there's something we ALL can agree on:
That no human child should go to bed hungry.
No human child should sleep under a bridge at night.
And that's why A Platter for Hope was created.
To End human suffering for the most vulnerable members of our communities.
To give back, to those that are the future of our society. And to offer something more meaningful...
Your Donation Will...
Buy a meal for a Homeless Youth
Your contribution will directly buy meals for homeless youth through our partnerships with various homeless shelters and charitable restaurants.
Offer Hope to those who Need it Most
The donation is used to buy a meal that signifies hope for the homeless youth between the ages of 13 and 24.
Spread the Message to end this problem
As the conversation grows, so does the the awareness. The goal is to bring this issue to our local authorities so that an official fight can be started against this problem.
1. You contribute through the website and we add your donation to our charity fund
2. Funds are used to provide meal vouchers to homeless youth through our partnership with homeless shelters.
3. The Youth use meal vouchers at Platter of Hope's network of partner restaurants
4. The Youth smiles and enjoys a meal knowing they will not go to bed hungry tonight
Since 1982, Covenant House has supported more than 95,000 young people ignite their potential and reclaim their lives. As Canada’s largest agency serving youth who are homeless, trafficked or at risk, they offer housing options, health and well-being support, training and skill development, and ongoing care once youth is a member of the community.
Located at 437 Yonge Street, Hangry Burger serves handcrafted burgers.
New Partners are being updated here on a weekly basis!
Where does my contribution go?Your contribution directly goes towards buying the maximum number of meals for homeless youth in Toronto.
How do you ensure accountability for the restaurants providing the meals?Unique voucher codes are provided to clients only. Once the client uses a voucher, the restaurants collects these vouchers and are paid by Platter of Hope on presentation of the unique voucher codes. 1. As the code is unique, the clients cannot duplicate the voucher. 2. Since the restaurant is not aware of the code until presented by a client, the restaurant cannot duplicate vouchers.
Why is homelessness such a big issue in society?Youth homelessness has increased by 450% in the past 25 years. 10% of Canadian families currently live below the low income cut-of, 20% rental households use more than half their income on just rent. All these numbers shows that a large number of people are at risk of homelessness. "I never thought I would ever be homeless" - This is a common thing most homeless people find themselves saying. No one plans to be homeless, but it happens when people hit a streak of bad luck - loss of employment, family break-up, family violence, mental illness, poor physical health, substance use, physical, sexual or emotional abuse and lack of affordable housing. Once homeless, the battle to get off the streets is really hard. By providing meals and offering hope, we are aiming to make the battle one that is fuelled by hope, rather than despair.
I can't donate money. Is there any other way I can help?Giving back doesn't have to be limited to only money. Platter of Hope is a volunteer led organization and thus we always have opportunities for you to give back in different ways. Reach out via email at myplatterofhope@gmail.com or call/text us at 519-781-6569 for more information on how you can volunteer. You can also sharing our message with your network to increase awareness about the problem of youth homelessness. Remember, your sharing may lead to someone else making a huge difference in a homeless youth's life!
I'm a restaurant owner. How do I sign up for this awesome cause?Partner with us by reaching out via email at myplatterofhope@gmail.com or by calling/texting us at 519-781-6569 to get started. We will get in touch to discuss meal costs, menu items that you can offer, timing, payment terms and any other questions you may have. We will add your name to the list of eligible restaurants on the vouchers provided. The young person will come to your restaurant and present a voucher valid for meal options that you choose. You take their order as you would with all your customers, and exchange a voucher instead of cash/credit. You would then share the vouchers with us every 2 weeks and receive payment on presentation.
You see, your support doesn't just buy a meal.
It offers something far more powerful:
You donation brings hope to the ones that have lost it.
It becomes a constant reminder to a child that there's someone looking out for them.
That the future is far brighter than their past.
And that things will be all right for them.
This is your chance to Leave Your Mark and be THE difference in a child's life.