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To fulfill basic human needs by using resources that already exist in our societies, and passion that already exists in our hearts. We want to serve as the gateway between the helper and the beneficiary.


We live in a time where we have progressed to unprecedented levels and our average standard of living is better than ever as human beings. However, there is a massive imbalance in the sharing of wealth. We believe there is enough to go around and for all of us to at least have our basic physiological needs (i.e food, shelter) to be met.


As humans, we care about others, we care about love, our careers, health, self-development, spirituality and overall happiness. None of these matter, if we don’t have food on the table or a roof over our heads. We are born pure and full of love, but may get swayed and revert to harming others (stealing, hurting, drugs etc) as we look to survive. If we take care of the need to survive, only then can we start thinking about the quest to thrive.


Our goal is to take care of this need to survive by maximizing the advantages of a shared economy by using existing structures such as restaurants, inns, stores etc. and providing free services to people in need using the community's charitable contributions.

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